How to solve the issue of waste put beside the garbage containers, the rules state that the owner of the waste must pay for the disposal if it is done in secret?
by martin.orn
There are no magical solutions. It is possible to prevent strangers bringing waste to the garbage containers by building a fence around the land of the building or build a garbage house. It is more difficult with your own residents. Some apartment associations have solved the problems by self-cleaning.
Waste disposal is paid by the apartment association and each resident has to pay for it. The true cost of waste disposal must be shown on the utility bill. It is not important whether it is divided by the number of square meters or residents. Waste which is left by the garbage container is expensive and can increase the garbage bill significantly, it also irritates the residents and they would like to know whose waste they are paying for. The residents try to keep a close eye on the people who secretly bring waste. The garbage containers should be visible from the windows and well-illuminated during night time.