Which method should be used when calculating the differences in the water cost (by the number of people, apartments, by apartment area etc.)?
by martin.orn
Often problems arise due to differences between water meter readings in the apartments and readings in the building and calculating the correct cost of water. This difference is usually called general water consumption and is divided by all of the apartments. There are no general rules that have to be followed here. Usually it can be solved with arrangements in the apartment association that are stated in the statute or decided during the general meetings. It is generally not recommended to use the number of residents as a unit, because it is almost impossible to count how many people live in the apartments.
Usually the differences in calculating the cost of water are calculated in cubic meters taking into account the current water price. The sum is divided equally by the area of the apartment or between all the apartments. For example:
Cost = price of 1m³ water
Amount (if divided by the area) = general water consumption x (apartment area/total building area)
Amount (if divided by the apartments) = general water consumption x (1/No. of apartments)